Melodies That Matter

Melodies That Matter

What are

Melodies That Matter

Melodies that Matter is a series of international music concerts and artistic events that arose from the overspill of inspiration, connection and the collaboration with natural life and friendship in a womb of clean and decent human standards.

Melodies That Matter


A need to create a new format with consciousness  that comes when sharing the brightness of music and arts that flows in and out of artists as they practise their skills  and new ways of engagement of the friends enjoying as the artist, arts and the listeners becoming one.

Melodies That Matter
Melodies That Matter


Melodies That Matter

Melodies that matter provides a safe space of no judgment.

They encourage connections between people, inviting artists from around the world to generate ripples of peace and spiral into new harmonies staying integral to what the arts wants to give expression to.

Connecting and translating energy and giving it life in the ways of arts, tones, expressions, dance, colours, shapes, overtones, poetry, storytelling and the processing effects that they have while causing flares and ripples of high human experiences

Arts and music is a joyfull, happy and versatile experience. We want to have less expectation and less ego, allowing the natural speeds of growth within a safeguard of support. We recognise that a safe  environment for music and arts can lead us to a plasmagenic state where "life lights".

How to join our

Melodies That Matter

We encourge artists and musicians from all around the world to join our next Melodies That Matter concert. Do you have a passion for music, arts and performance? Then you can ether join the organization of enjoy next concert.

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Melodies That Matter

Do you have a passion for arts and wish to share your talents with us?

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