About us

group picture in Ireland

Who we are

We are a community of young people from all ages, ethnicities and countries who join forces to create a better future

We meet every year in a different country in a humane, safe and trustful ecology in which we create, learn and explore new pathways into the future.
We believe the world can journey anew in what it means to be and become human, and we see this as being a vital development for humanity’s wellbeing. Within this we all can work together, share inspiration and learn to open up the ’wisdom of the heart‘.

y-top camp in Portugal 2017

Where we come from

Map of the world with pins

How the community describes itself

"The Y-Top is an international meeting ground across all ages and cultures. We meet to pursue human compassion and seek to create a clean ecology and a safe space to practice and explore what life is about."
"The Y-top is a future freedom that liberates us now. Diversity is the spice, the secret ingredient, the huge light on a more inclusive, creative and open tomorrow.”
Leo & Costanza
“Y-Top is to dare giving and practice receiving”
“The Young Template of Peace gives us the initiative to seek out the possibilities of the future.”
"Look, before doing the impossible we must do the possible incredibly good."
"Y-top is a lifestyle for a peaceful world"

Our story

We spark from a network of pre-existing communities who saw the need for more organic ways of living and working together as human beings

The Y-top has been funded by the European Union’s “Youth in Action & Erasmus+ programs” which has been an amazing partner and a ‘power engine’ for many of our movements and gatherings.Since 2012 we have successfully been awarded EU funding for various ongoing projects (“Skills for Living” England/ Wales; 2014, “Now The Doing” Netherlands; 2015 & “Human Rainforest” Ireland; 2016 and many important training gatherings in between in Denmark and Wals ). However we have also received funding and donations from various other sources such as art galleries (WallStyle – Dusseldorf/Germany) and local fund raising projects held  by the young friends in many countries  in a number of our volunteers native countries.

Finland group picture at the lakeWorkshop and game session in Ireland

How we are doing

We value quality over quantities... but numbers are still important

our projects

members from more than
youth camps & training gatherings
years of activities

Our tree

The active members of the y-top are the extension and expression of the y-top community, like the many parts of a tree

Christine Rice
Profession, musician, bla bla
Verlie Kutch
Profession, musician, bla bla
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Nedra Schmitt
Profession, musician, bla bla
Hilda Fritsch
Profession, musician, bla bla
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Pascale Crona
Profession, musician, bla bla
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Alta Terry
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Jana Zemlak
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Carley Cummings
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Rubie Gerhold
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Mona Howe
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Cooper Marvin
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Elroy Schaden
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Kyle Ward
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Katrina Doyle
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Kayleigh Smitham
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Demarco Howe
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Nellie Murazik
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Marlon Sauer
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Rory Schoen
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.
Sam Little
Profession, musician, bla bla
No items found.

Great change starts from simple things…

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